Water Sourcing Solutions
New Wave can provide turnkey services in support of your project, providing analytical support, field analysis and reliable water source selections. We have extensive water supplies readily available for operator use and can provide support to operators when identifying, acquiring and permitting source water.
For each shale well, New Wave develops a comprehensive water sourcing plan based on safety, best practices and local regulations. These plans address regional geology, topography, site location and water accessibility. We have the ability to secure the water needed for your hydraulic fracturing operations and facilitate planning and logistics of acquiring water from various sources including fresh water from private landowners, recycled flowback wastewater and industrial wastewater. New Wave also monitors water withdrawals and flow rates in accordance with regulations for all water withdrawal points to ensure protection of aquatic species.
- Identification & assessment of source water
- Delivery method evaluation & planning
- Regulatory & permitting
- Environmental assessments
- Customer-driven solutions
- Complete field water strategy, development & execution
How we dispose of our water is a key part of our environmental protection and is carefully regulated to ensure the highest standards are maintained. All water on site is stored in New Wave Modular Tanks. Once water is ready for disposal, an EA-approved water disposal company removes all waste water for testing and treatment at a licensed wastewater plant. With the addition of the Buffer Tank, flow back water can be separated prior to reaching the wastewater plant, optimizing minimal cleaning and maximizing the reuse of fluid.
New Wave provides safe, efficient and environmentally friendly above-ground water containment solutions that are easy to move, adaptable to specific needs, and reduce operations costs due to time savings on setup and tear down.
For customers requiring field installation or turn-key containment systems, we also offer field fabrication services. Pre-manufactured components are shipped on site, to be erected under the guidance of our professional crews.